
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Learning Resource Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement and Purpose

This policy demonstrates the AGhad Training Institute’s (GTI) commitment to enhance the learning experience of its trainees through the provision of appropriate resources.

2. Policy Purpose

The purpose of the policy is to elaborate on the GTI support to learning by providing reading and reference resource services, open access IT and study facilities and access to information, equipment, books and other materials relevant to all aspects of the institute’s activities.  A very high priority is given to guiding and assisting learners and staff.

3. Application and Scope

The policy is applicable to all GTI staff and its trainees who utilize the learning resources facilities.

4. External Requirements

This policy helps GTI meet the following external requirements of:

  • Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), Bahrain
  • Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labor

5. Definitions

  • Learning resources refer to properly evaluated materials such as texts, videos, software, and other materials that are used to assist students to meet the expectations for learning as defined by the learning outcomes.
  • Resource center is a facility within a learning institution, staffed by a specialist, containing several information sources.
  • Online learning resource are those that are made available online, not from printed sources and are delivered in multiple delivery models.

6. Policy Commitment

To create suitable high-quality learning environments and provide learning materials appropriate to the   needs of learners of the institute, for the purposes of: 

  • Individual quiet study and general reading.
  • Working individually or in small groups with learning materials.
  • Use of IT-based learning materials and facilities.
  • Use of audio-visual and copying or scanning facilities, in support of learning outside formal classrooms.
  • Accessing information and advice.
  • To facilitate learning out of GTI by allowing paper-based, audio-visual and IT materials to be borrowed by the learners, as far as is equitable and practicable.

7. Principles

The following principles govern how GTI acquires, manages, integrates, makes accessible and withdraws   learning resources:

  • The Learning Resource Policy is developed in collaboration with stakeholders.
  • The learning resources are made available digitally and physically.
  • The use and scope of the learning resources and facilities are regularly reviewed. The General manager collaborates with the Programme heads regarding purchase needs and organisation and access to these resources.
  • GTI conforms to external stakeholder’s legislative and contractual requirements as they pertain to learning resources.
  • GTI uses digital systems to manage all collections and ensures that the learning resources can be discovered by users via search tools.
  • Electronic resources are the preferred option where they satisfy the agreed selection criteria in this policy and in the specific subject level statement.

8. Responsibilities

Learners Responsibilities

  • All learners are expected to behave responsibly, showing consideration for others who wish to work in the study spaces.
  • The equipment and software provided is for approved educational purposes only .
  • Learners must be responsible for all materials on loan to them and they must return them in good condition when requested to do so.
  • The GTI IT facilities are to be used for coursework and research. Use of these facilities for purposes other than what they are deemed to be used for would be dealt with a disciplinary action.
  • All learners are to inform their trainers if they encounter faulty IT equipment.

Academic Staff Responsibilities

  • Each trainer is responsible in ensuring that the learning resource material and equipment used are functioning and would inform the Programme head if any faulty , defective equipment are encountered.
  • Each trainer is responsible in determining and informing the programme head about the needs and requirements for learning resources for the course

Programme Head Responsibilities

  • The Programme Head has overall responsibility for the management, control and oversight of all of the learning resources of his programme.
  • The Programme head informs the General manager regarding issues about the resources or need of such.

General Manager Responsibilities

  • The General Manager is responsible for ensuring that learning and teaching resources are available and accessible to all
  • It is the responsibility of the General Manager to ensure that new or updated resource requirements are available to students as soon as possible by communicating to the head of course/program regarding the resource needs of the institute.
  • The General Manager is responsible for ensuring that the trainees at GTI are well supported in their learning by approving the purchase of appropriate learning resources in the institution and repair of those that are necessary for learning to occur.
  • The General Manager is responsible to foresee necessary renovations to the learning spaces and future necessary purchases of learning resources.

9. Key Dates

This Version Approved: 26 December 2023

Next Review Date: December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.