
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Human Resources Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

HR Manager

1. Policy Statement

  • The purpose of this policy is to guide human resource management.
  • GTI is committed to safeguarding and promoting a good human resource management culture emphasizing on providing equal opportunities, career improvement, education and training, compensation and assistance, accountability, and encouragement.
  • The GTI’s vision is “to become a centre of excellence in providing market driven training in Bahrain” that requires the support of quality human resource management practices to attract, appoint, develop, motivate and retain a highly skilled workforce within a supportive work environment.
  • GTI will ensure that the Human Resources practises at GTI are guided by its vision and in line with the requirement of the government laws and legislation for the governance of a human resources and Ministry of Labour whilst endeavouring to provide the best possible services and support to our employees.

2. Application and Delegations

  • This policy applies to all staff, including trainers.
  • This policy applies to all procedures related to the human resources management of GTI employees including the recruitment, selection, contracting, remuneration, reward, employee benefits, employee administration, training, professional development, performance management, induction, probation, complaints.
  • It is the responsibility of all managers (the General manager, HR Manager, Heads of Sections and coordinators) at GTI to make sure that guidelines and associated procedures stated in this policy are followed in the human resources management activities under their authority.

3. External Requirements

  • This policy and associated procedures help GTI meet the requirements of government quality assurance agencies, such as the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), and the Bahrain Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labour.
  • They provide assurance to industry partners and other stakeholders that GTI is a quality training provider, committed to continuous improvement of all its activities and operations.
  • Its explicit focus on human resources accountability helps GTI meet the requirements of funding bodies such as Tamkeen, as well as those of professional accreditation agencies, such as Awarding bodies).
  • This policy allows for international acts, regulations, and guidelines to be used for guidance purposes for aspects of policy not covered by existing Bahrain legislation.

4. What is Expected

The following principles underpin GTI’s expectations regarding this policy.

  • GTI expects the development of transparent HRM procedures and services, that promote equity and fairness for all employees.
  • To satisfy GTI community in relation to human resource services that enables all stakeholders to meet internal and external expectations.
  • To maintain the highest ethical standards.
  • To strive for excellence and innovation in guiding its operations and activities.
  • To reflect the vision, mission, and values of GTI.
  • To be in accordance with any Bahrain legislation and regulations that drive the requirements of policy.

Based on these principles, GTI’s Minimum Threshold Requirements are to ensure that:

  • To recruit people that are sufficient in number and appropriately qualified to achieve the mission and vision of GTI.
  • To evaluate and develop employees in order to become qualified in their specialization.
  • To motivate and reward employees in order to enhance their productivity.
  • To sustain a supportive and cooperative work environment to retain highly performing employees.
  • To provide superior support services to GTI’s core business.
  • To offer services within clear and set criteria that will maintain equity and fairness.

5. Procedures for recruiting and developing staff.

  • The following steps will be taken to implement this recruitment and development part of the HR policy.

Note induction of staff and the guidelines to promote quality training are covered by other policies.





  • Vacancy identification


The GM will identify the need to fill a vacant position or create a new role, for example if a new course is approved.

A job description will be completed and the position advertised.

A variety of methods should be used to advertise positions to ensure a high quality of personnel are attracted to apply. The advertisements must be fair and equitable.

  • Selection


Selection is based on the best fit for the job description based on the qualifications and experience of the applicant.

An interview is usually held to ensure that the person is a good fit for the GTI team and has the organisation’s values.

For clerical or secretarial positions, a screening test to determine skill levels may be held post interview.

Set questions are used for trainers. For those trainers with no previous teaching experience, but the required technical expertise, they may be asked to demonstrate capability by making a small presentation.

A cover letter and CV are expected. Interview Questions for Trainers F2/ O/A/008

  • Offer of employment

A verbal offer may be made very shortly after the selection process to enhance the company’s ability to recruit the selected candidate. In such cases the verbal offer will normally be made by the General Manager, although he has the discretion to delegate this responsibility if felt appropriate.

Once a selection decision has been made the HR officer will produce a written offer of employment from the GM, in line with agreed service standards. Offers of employment are normally subject to satisfactory references, medical clearance, and checks of qualifications such as Immigration checks.

Induction is the final stage of the recruitment process.

Induction is covered by another Policy

  • Appraisal

GM and HoD programmes

All staff will be subjected to annual performance appraisals, after which a Professional development plan will be developed, with milestone monitoring agreed. 

Trainers will be subject to regular feedback by walk throughs and formal appraisals to improve their practice. Covered by Training Policy.

If any staff do not meet the requirements of their job description and or fail to meet the improvement targets, they may be put on a specific improvement plan, which if it fails to get the staff member to the competency level required, could result in termination.

Trainers covered by Training Policy.

PDP (Professional development Plan) F1/

GTI will follow MoLSD regulations regarding any dismissal procedures.

6. Procedures for Managing Time and Attendance

  • The following steps will be taken to manage time and attendance for full time employees.





  • Advice of inability to attend to duties

Staff members including trainers

Advise your line manager of any reason (illness, bereavement, accident, emergency etc.) that you will be unable to attend scheduled duties

  • By 0900 if you have teaching responsibilities that day.
  • By 1600 if you do not have scheduled teaching that day or are a similar employee.

Attendance report filed

  • Cover assigned

General Manager

Duties can be reassigned or rescheduled appropriately

Uses schedule of courses to find relief trainer or cancels classes with another date substituted.

  • Daily attendance recording

All non training staff

Record presence using the biometric system (on arrival at the device).

Multiple arrivals during the day need to be recorded. All staff Presence recorded correctly using the Time and Attendance system.

Record departure using the biometric system (on departure). Multiple departures during the day need to be recorded.

Complete and submit for approval any late arrival (after 09:00) or early departure or any missing Swipes or leaving  during normal working hours for either work or personal matters. departure or any missing Swipes or leaving  during normal working hours for either work or personal matters.

  • Leave requests

All staff

Complete and submit for approval a application for any absence of more than 2.5 hours in a working day



Records to be kept in accordance with Record management policy.

  • Ramadan Hours

All staff

Ramadan hours will be circulated to all staff and learners following guidance received from relevant government agencies annually.

  • Part time staff shall work hours according to their contracts of employment and agreements with their manager and their working hours are recorded in the time and attendance forms as in the above procedures. The time and attendance system is not intended to monitor the working hours of training staff, which are covered by their teaching schedule.
  • Mothers eligible for reduced working hours shall be permitted to commence or leave work two hours later or earlier, or a combination of the two, each day. The part of the day in which the hours are taken must be agreed upon and cannot be changed without their Manager’s Approval.

7. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

8. Key Dates

First Approved: 2 December 2016

This Version Approved: 26 December 2023

Next Review Date: December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Version Effective Date     Description of Changes    
01 26/01/2018 First approval of the policy
02 26/08/2022 Revision for consistency with QAM, allocation of codes, adding procedures for recruitment.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.