
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Health and Safety Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement

  • GTI is committed to pursuing high standards of health and safety management that are open, supportive and empowering, and responsive to the training work environment. Our objective is to comply with international standards in Health & Safety.
  • GTI has expectation that all staff members, trainees, Trainers, and visitors to GTI accept their obligation toward ensuring high health and safety standards by taking reasonable care of themselves and all others who may be affected by their acts and omissions, and comply with both local and internal policies and arrangements for safe working.

2. Application and Delegations


This policy applies to all staff members, trainees, trainers, and visitors of GTI.


This policy covers and affects a wide range of health and safety processes such as Hazard Reporting Procedure, Security inspection Procedure, Accident Reporting Procedure, Emergency Evacuation Drill (EED) Procedure, Event Safety Procedure, Smoke-free and contractor Permit to work Procedure.

3. External Requirements

This policy helps GTI meet the following external requirements:

  • Kingdom of Bahrain legislation, laws and regulations related to Safety & Health.

All Ministerial Orders and Issues related to health, safety and the environment. Such Ministerial Order # 6/2000.

  • Health and Safety Rules & Guidelines 
  • BQA Themes and Indicators

4. What is Expected

  • To preserve a safe and healthy working, learning environment for all staff, trainees, trainers and visitors of the Institute.
  • To protect trainees and other persons who are against risk to their health or safety that might arise out of activities in those places.
  • To maintain machinery and equipment and a safe and healthy place of work.
  • To commit to continuous improvement in the management of health and safety.
  • Promote safety and health awareness amongst all staff, trainees, visitors and Trainers.
  • Take reasonable care that all procedures used are safely carried out, and seek expert advice in any case of doubt.
  • Report accidents or incidents promptly, study causes and adopt measures to prevent reoccurrences.
  • To provide a friendly environment for special needs in terms of premises and any other requirements as needed.
  • To avoid loss resulting from accidents, injury, illness or death to individuals that are considered the most valuable asset to GTI.
  • To prevents damage and loss that may occur to assets and property from negligence, unsafe acts, unawareness etc.

Accident Reporting Procedure

1. Purpose

  • The purpose of the Accident Reporting procedure is to outline the actions of reporting, recording and investigating accidents in an effective and efficient manner. An accident is any unplanned event that causes harm to a person, or a property.
  • GTI records, analyses and monitors the accident causes to adopt suitable methods to prevent reoccurrences. The law requires that certain work-related accidents are reported to the local government authority.

2. Related Policy

  • Health and Safety Policy

3. Related Documents (Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

  • Accident Report

4. Procedures

  • Accidents Reporting: Minor harm, damage or injury




Location (Optional)

  • Report on any accident to immediate superior instantly

Staff and trainees

Accident reported

Accidents’ Reports / Health & Safety File

  • Submit completed accident report

General Manager / Health & Safety Manager


Accidents’ Reports / Health & Safety File

  • Investigate case furthermore if found necessary and implement possible remedies immediately.

Health and Safety Manager

Case investigated and possible remedies implemented

Accidents’ Reports / Health & Safety File

  • Report necessary action(s) to prevent accident reoccurrences to the Health and Safety Manager for improvement purposes.

Health and Safety Manager

Agreed prevention measures adopted

Accidents’ Reports / Health & Safety File

5. Application


This procedure applies to the following:

  • Every staff member, from the time they depart home to work, until they reach home back from work; it also includes staff that are on special duty outside the work premises or on training assignments.
  • Trainees
  • Trainers
  • Visitors


This procedure is influenced by the following:

  • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Control
  • Accident, Incident Reporting
  • Emergency Evacuation

Hazards Reporting Procedure

1. Purpose

  • The purpose of this procedure is to outline the actions to sustain a safe and healthy environment for all Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors by identifying existing or possible hazards and reporting them to the concerned department to undertake remedies as appropriate.

2. Related Policy

  • Health and Safety Policy

3. Related Documents (Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

4. Procedures




Location (Optional)

  • Identify possible hazardous situations by random inspections or by reports received from concerned parties.

Health and Safety Manager

possible hazard identified

Hazards Reports folder
  • Complete the Hazards Report Form of the possible hazard identified.

Health and Safety Manager

Completed form attached with evidence (e.g. pictures).

Hazards Reports folder

  • Distribute the completed Hazards Report Form with assessment results and resolution to the concerned people.

Health and Safety Manager

Completed Hazards Report Form communicated to concerned people

Hazards Reports folder
  • Carry out the suggested remedy resolution to prevent possible hazard.

Health and Safety Manager

remedy resolution implemented

Hazards Reports folder
  • Report to Health and Safety Manager on resolution completion.

Health and Safety Manager

Notification of clearing the hazard

Hazards Reports folder
  • Undertake re-assessment for the identified hazard to ensure its status

Health and Safety Manager

Notification of clearing the hazard

Hazards Reports folder
  • Close the Hazard case if resolution completed and hazard eliminated.

Health and Safety Manager

Signed Hazards Report Form with outcome

Hazards Reports folder
Risk Assessment Categorization and timeframe:


Resolution Timeframe

High Risk
Moderate Risk
1 week
Low Risk
1 month

5. Application

This procedure applies to the following:

  • Staff, Trainers, Trainees and Visitors.

This procedure is influenced by the following:

  • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Control
  • Accident, Incident and Near-miss Reporting
  • Emergency Evacuation Drill Procedure

Emergency Evacuation Drill Procedure (EED)

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the Emergency Evacuation Drill (EED) Procedure which applies to all occupants of GTI buildings and areas. It details the actions to deal with the evacuation as considered appropriate with reference to the designated assembly points outside the building (the front side).

This procedure will help GTI to:

  • Measure the resources required for the real emergency evacuation.
  • Test the performance of the alarm system of the building and its links.
  • Familiarize new and existing occupants with the evacuation procedures.
  • Test arrangements done for people with special needs.
  • Test the response and capability to rescue staff.
  • Improve the EED plan as required.


2. Related Policy

  • Health and Safety Policy

3. Related Documents (Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)


Emergency Evacuation Drill: Planned training on how to evacuate occupied buildings through the safest mains of emergency exits by following proper procedures and directions to the designated assembly points. This planned drill schedule will be issued after obtaining approval from CEO and consolation with relevant stakeholders especially the landlord. It indicates specific steps which must be followed and usually involves testing the building’s fire alarm system and the exit routes as parts of the drill.

Emergency: An urgent situation consisting of one or more of the following types of occurrences: fire, smoke, explosion, chemical spill, gas leak, bomb threat, or human violence.

Exit: A door and route that provides a safe means of egress from a building to an outdoor space and leads to a safe area e.g. emergency assembly point.

Emergency Assembly Points: A designated area for each building and these areas will be marked and noted on the emergency assembly points plan.

Occupants: Staff, trainees, visitors and all other occupants of GTI buildings/areas occupied by GTI during the evacuation

4. Procedures




Location (Optional)

  • Obtain CEO or Business Development Manager approval on the Emergency Evacuation Drill (EED) schedule within the training period

Health and Safety Manager

CEO/ Business Development Approval

Evacuation Drill folder Health & Safety File
  • Set up an (EED) team including Health and Safety Manager and assign responsibilities for the drill event

Health and Safety Manager

Team setup and responsibilities assigned

Evacuate immediately to the Assembly Point displayed on Emergency Evacuation Assembly Points map on hearing the sound of the alarm system or alerted by the staff using the closest emergency exits
– Do NOT use elevators/lifts during the drill

Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors
Evacuation completed

Assist with the evacuation of others who require assistance or any person in immediate danger. However, occupants should not endanger themselves during evacuation

Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors

Evacuation of Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors that need special assistance

Notify Support Staff with any persons with physical disabilities or others who are unable to use the stairs or exits for assistance

Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors

Emergency Support Staff notified

Notify Emergency Warden with any possible hazardous situation

Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors

Emergency Support Staff notified
Remain at the Assembly Point until further advised by the member of the EED team at your point.

Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors

Complete EED Report after discussion with EED team and assign corrective and recommended improvement actions to the Health and Safety Manager

Health and Safety Manager

Undertake actions for better Emergency Evacuation Process

Staff, Trainees, Trainers and Visitors

Submit the EED report and action status to the Health and Safety Manager

Health and Safety Manager

4. Procedures


This procedure applies to staff, trainees, trainers and visitors and all other occupants of GTI buildings/areas occupied by GTI during the evacuation.


This procedure is influenced by the following:

  • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Control
  • Accident, Incident and Near-miss Reporting

Safety Health & Environmental Guidelines

1. Staff Obligations

Under Bahraini legislation, the Chief Executive (as the employer) is responsible for ensuring compliance with health, safety and environment legislation and regulations.

All managers are delegated the responsibility for ensuring good health and safety practices are followed within their areas and for activities under their responsibility. This includes the systematic identification of hazards and the implementation of appropriate controls where hazards are determined to be significant. In case of drought, Health and Safety Manager should be contacted for advice.

GTI’s Health and Safety Manager, acts as an adviser on health, safety and environment matters and helps to promote manage and review relevant policies and practices.

All staff must take reasonable care of themselves and all others who may be affected by their acts and omissions, and comply with both central and local policies and arrangements for safe working to enable them to discharge its legal duties with regard to health and safety. Some staff will be assigned specific responsibilities, mainly to assist in emergencies.

All Staff are also obligated to report any unsafe act or condition. Staff members are responsible for the safety of their visitors.

2. Trainee Obligations

In the interests of health and safety, trainees must not interfere with or misuse anything, object, structure or system of work and report any unsafe act or condition.

3. Regulatory Inspection of Equipment

It is the duty of the Health and Safety Manager to ensure that the following equipment is maintained, inspected and, where required, certified in accordance with relevant legislation, standards or guidelines:

  • Fire alarm systems (in accordance with the Landlord).
  • Signal connection to the city fire brigade.
  • Fire extinguishers.
  • Lifting equipment (e.g., elevators, in accordance with the Landlord).
  • Any other equipment requiring regulatory inspection.

4. First Aid Boxes

Health and Safety Manager will maintain first –Aid box. The box will be kept with a First –Aid trained staff member, and will be inspected monthly or as requested by the holder for any shortage of contents.

5. Trainees Heath & Safety Managere Rules and Responsibilities

With reference to Trainees Rights and Responsibilities all trainees must adhere to the GTI Safety, Health and environmental rules and instructions of the HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGER Policy whilst attending at the GTI or remote locations as per their assignments.

Trainers are solely responsible for conveying the safety and health rules and regulations to the trainees, and the implementation of the guidelines and regulations, they must also report any hazardous situations immediately to the relevant people.

Accidents and breaches of the Health & Safety rules and regulations must be immediately reported to the Health and Safety Manager violations or failure to follow these guidelines and instructions or such that may result in loss injury to personnel will be subject to disciplinary action according to legislative laws in accordance with HR by GTI Management as demanded by Health and Safety Manager.

6. Key Dates

This Version Approved: 26 December 2023

Next Review Date: December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.