
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Course Design, Approval and Revision Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement

  • The purpose of this policy is to ensure that programmes meet the needs of the target audience, both the needs of trainees and the needs of potential employers, both in the government and private sectors.
  • The policy aims to establish rigorous processes to design new programmes to ensure that they meet the standards established by government agencies and the relevant professional occupational bodies, where applicable.
  • The policy aims to ensure the continued relevance of programmes with changing sector needs, through a system of regular stakeholder evaluations as well as more extensive periodic programme review.
  • GTI will ensure that programmes and their components are well-structured to scaffold learning development towards the achievement of the knowledge, skills and levels of understanding required by those working in the target industry sector. This will include both technical skills, as well as the twenty-firsts century (employability) skills that enable graduates of the programme to be employees of first choice.

2. Application and Delegations

  • This policy applies to all GTI staff, especially programme heads and trainers, involved in programme development and the maintenance of academic standards.
  • Tas well as applying to GTI staff involved in industry consultation, this policy also acts as a guide to those specialists in industry who have a role in assisting GTI to maintain the ongoing relevance of the programmes that it offers.
  • It is the responsibility of all managers (programme heads and course coordinators) at GTI to make sure that guidelines and associated procedures stated in this policy are followed in the activities under their authority.
  • The General Manager is responsible for coordinating the activities of the trainers and external subject specialists and advisors involved in the special committees required to ensure internal programme approvals and NQF placement, including heads of sections, the course coordinators, members of the mapping panel, members of the confirmation panel, and the Quality Assurance Team (QAT).

3. External Requirements

  • This policy and associated procedures help GTI meet the requirements of government quality assurance agencies, such as the Bahrain Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labour and the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA). In particular this policy aims to meet the indicators specified in the institutional lusting and programme placement provisions detailed by the Directorate of Framework Operations and the aspects as detailed by the Directorate of Vocational Reviews.
  • They provide assurance to industry partners and other stakeholders that GTI is a quality training provider, committed to continuous improvement of all its activities and operations.
  • Its explicit focus on creating work-ready graduates helps GTI meet the requirements of funding bodies such as Tamkeen, as well as those of professional accreditation agencies, such as awarding organisations.
  • This policy allows for international acts, regulations, and guidelines to be used for guidance purposes for aspects of policy not covered by existing Bahrain legislation. For example, the international awarding bodies for whom GTI runs programmes conduct their own programme review processes, which GTI contributes to.

4. What is Expected

4.1 The following principles underpin GTI’s expectations regarding this policy.

• Programmes offered by GTI must be in accordance with any Bahrain legislation and regulations, especially the Directorate of Framework Operations and the aspects as detailed by the Directorate of Vocational Reviews. These indicators and aspects require that programmes and short courses developed and run by GTI are:

  1. clear in specifications relating to the to the access and admission of learners to programmes.
  2. designed to allow the trainees to achieve the programme or short course learning outcomes that are linked to professional requirements, occupational standards, and employment opportunities.
  3. aligned to the expected graduate attributes through the feedback provided by consultation with a range of appropriate stakeholders, especially industry, as well certifying and regulatory bodies.
  4. designed to incorporate best teaching and learning practices.

• GTI will maintain the highest ethical standards in all aspects of the course design consultation, approval, and revision stages, so that programmes are of the highest quality and meet the needs of those individuals enrolled as trainees, as well as those agencies funding and organisations employing. These dual accountabilities will be fulfilled at GTI by following best-practice design guidelines:

  1. Recognising a learner-cantered approach, fundamental to training effectiveness, as a fundamental pillar of programme and short course development.
  2. Embedding the twenty-first century soft skills necessary for trainees to be well-prepared to take their rightful place in Bahrain’s labour market. Such skills include communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiative and enterprise, planning and organizing, self-management, life-long learning and use of technology.
  3. Considering the personal and professional development of each learner
  4. Recognising the dynamism of the global marketplace, that periodic feedback from significant stakeholders and evaluation of the courses is undertaken in order to maintain currency and relevance.
  5. Striving for ongoing excellence and high levels of innovation in all the programmes offered at GTI.
  6. Reflecting the vision, mission, and values of GTI, with congruency maintained with other policy requirements, especially those relating to Learning Progression Pathway T/P/009 and Assessment and Moderation Policy T/P/005.

4.2 Based on these principles, GTI’s Minimum Threshold Requirements are to ensure that programmes and short courses are:

  • well planned, structured, and designed
  • provided in response to identified market needs
  • able to meet the identified and emerging needs of the trainees
  • able to meet the expectations of stakeholders
  • relevant to the current world of work
  • regularly reviewed to ensure currency is maintained
  • consistent with other GTI policies and procedures.

5. Programme Design Procedures (Step-by-step instructions for routine tasks and operations)

  • The following steps will be taken to implement the design requirements of this policy.





  • Collect information about market trends.


In the design stage an individual (or panel) with the required specialist subject expertise is appointed to develop a proposed implementation plan [PIP] for the design of the proposed qualification in consultation with the appropriate industry sector.

PIP must include aspects as in Appendix A.  

Uses primary and secondary research sources, supported by direct contact with potential employers to triangulate data.

  • Appointment of design team, including sector specialist and curriculum specialist.

GM with advice from QAT

In the design stage an individual (or panel) with the required specialist subject expertise is appointed to develop a proposed implementation plan [PIP] for the design of the proposed qualification in consultation with the appropriate industry sector.

PIP must include aspects as in Appendix A.  

Outcome is draft PIP on Form F2/T/P/004

  • Draft PIP is triangulated with target group input

Design Team

PIP is updated after reviewing the needs of the target audience (potential trainees), typically using focus groups or surveys.

Outcome is revised PIP on form F2/T/P/004

  • Mapping.

Mapping Panel

Design Team works with GTI’s QAT to act as a mapping panel, ascertaining that each of the module descriptors is appropriately described according to the Module descriptor writing guide F1/T/P/004, and that credits are awarded in line with guidance available at that time from the BQF website (level according to complexity and quantum according to notional hours).

Mapping panel is Design Team and QAT.

Module descriptors and programme curriculum outline (PIP) aligned with internal and external requirements

  • Compliance.

Compliance Panel

The compliance panel TOR/T/P/004 will check the work of the mapping panel and it completes the requisite documentation required for qualification’s placement on the NQF. Panel checks compliance with the current NQF requirements and the credit framework specifications in terms of the qualification’s title and credits requirements, and with the use of NQF level descriptors.

As GTI is a small company, it will typically second expertise from outside the institution to carry out the second stage, which is to set up a compliance panel to ensure qualifications, compliance following Confirmation Panel TOR F4/T/P/004.

  • Programme revision


After receiving report from the compliance panel QAT fixes any anomalies, then goes to next stage, Approval procedure (next section).

6. Procedures for moderation

  • The following steps will be taken to implement the approval requirements of this policy.





  • Convening of Internal approval meeting

GM will establish a special programme or short course approval meeting.

As a small company, GTI will involve all the programme heads of sections, the course coordinators, members of the mapping panel and members of the confirmation panel, which by definition includes the Quality Assurance Team (QAT).

This is an internal check that the proposed qualification is of the expected standard before being forwarded to the regulatory body for approval and or licensing

  • Internal approval

Special programme or short course approval meeting.

Members consider criteria for approving a programme and approve programme if it is compliant. If approved, the committee will also:
  • Identify the necessary resources to run the course (facilities, learning and teaching resources, and human resources such as teaching staff).
  • Decide when and how to advertise the new course
  • Decide when to accept the first cohort of trainees on the course.
If not approved, PIP returned to design team for re-work.

GTI has established criteria for approving a programme (Appendix A)

which, together with the work of the mapping panel and confirmation panel, will ensure that the design of the proposed qualification and the PIP are congruent with the requirements of the policy.

Some actions may be delegated to GM.

  • Allocate budget and decide on launch


Once approved, in consultation with the owner, the General Manager will allocate the budget in accordance with requirements of the PIP and determine, in consultation, when and how to advertise as well as the opening of registrations.

The owner will have been fully briefed about the new programme and likely budgetary implications at onset.

  • External approval-NQF Programme placement


After approving the programme, QAT then submits to BQA for approval.

Check the BQA website as requirements are refined from time to time. Templates to use for listing are provided on this site.

7. Programme Evaluation Procedures

  • The following steps will be taken to implement the programme evaluation aspects of this policy.





  • Mid-course evaluation

Course coordinator

Mid-way through the programme the course coordinator will ask trainees to provide feedback on the programme, including the trainer using Trainee Survey F5/T/P/004. This feedback will be used to improve delivery or highlight any concerns.

On Day 1 induction, trainees will be advised of complaints process, and academic appeals processes.

  • End-of-course evaluation

Course coordinator

At the end of the programme the course coordinator will ask trainees to provide feedback on the programme, including the trainer. This feedback will be used to improve future programmes. (Market survey companies F4/T/P/004 Trainee Survey F5/T/P/004)

Trainees and also employers involved in any work placements associated with the programme will be surveyed.

  • Follow-up


Any action items arising will be included in GTI’s QIP.  Trainee Survey F5/T/P/004)

Weekly meetings update QIP progress.

  • Trend analysis


Annually the GM will ask the course coordinator to initiate a trend analysis. This is to look at trends in feedback across all programmes. QIP updated if required and QAT advised.

Any issues recorded for follow up in QIP.

8. Periodic Programme Review Procedures

  • The following steps will be taken with regards to periodic review to implement this policy.





  • Devise a periodic review schedule to cover all programme clusters


Update Quality Assurance Manual with periodic review schedule, according to programmes being offered.

In appendix of QAM

  • Conduct periodic review.

Head of programmes

Use the Periodic Programme Review Form F3/T/P/004, which has guidance on what data to collect.

  • Consider and implement findings

QAT-GM to organise meeting

After considering the Periodic Programme Review Report, recommendations, QAT will add to QIP as appropriate.

GM monitors through standing item in team meetings.

  • All new staff and trainers will be notified of the requirements of this policy through staff inductions and or weekly meetings.

9. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

10. Key Dates

First Approved:                    2 January 2018

This Version Approved:       26 September 2022

Next Review Date:               September 2025 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Version Effective Date     Description of Changes    
01 26/01/2018  First approval of the policy
02 26/09/2022 Revision for consistency with institutional listing requirements and QAM, allocation of codes, new forms.
Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:
Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 06/09/2022

11. Appendix A: PIP requirements for completing F2/T/P/004

On conclusion of the design process, a Programme Implementation Plan F2/T/P/004 is to be fully and accurately completed for the new qualification. This will include:

  • Module Descriptor(s) using the required template GTI Module descriptor writing guide F1/T/P/004 and aligned to the programme approval documentation contained within the new or revised programme implementation plan [PIP] (E 19 a). These module descriptors will include the intended learning outcomes, credits, and levels on the NQF.
  • The plan will include training methods, with a range of activities to appeal to a diversity of learning styles, interests, and abilities in the targeted group of trainees. Assessments strategies and methods are to be identified, including both continuous assessments and summative assessments weighted appropriately.
  • All access requirements and entry levels are to be clearly identified, ensuring they are transparent, fair, inclusive (taking account of any special needs of trainees).
  • All programme completion requirements must be clear and appropriate to the trainee level and communicated prior to commencement of training.
  • The programme is to be mapped to relevant international or national qualifications frameworks and any certification opportunities identified.
  • Pathways for progression and further education and training are to be identified and communicated to trainees to encourage their lifelong learning and development.
  • Provision for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) is to be available and clearly communicated and supported.
  • Adjustments for special needs and trainee diversity, including challenge for higher achievers, are always to be considered and implemented.
  • Programme management and administration requirements are to be identified, clearly communicated, and executed.
  • Appropriate monitoring and review mechanisms are to be identified and implemented.

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.