
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Complaints Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement

GTI aims to promote positive learning opportunities through all the qualifications and training that it offers. GTI is committed to providing a service that is:

  • Positive and encouraging for the learner
  • A pleasant experience
  • Cost effective and efficient
  • Open and informative

1.2 GTI welcomes feedback from both trainees and employers to help us to improve our services.

1.3 The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear process for the identification and resolution of concerns and complaints.

  • Concerns are less serious or minor problems which are best resolved by informal direct contact with the person or people concerned.
  • Complaints are more serious or significant problems which may require a formal process of resolution.

1.4 GTI is committed to dealing with concerns and complaints fairly and promptly.

2. Application and Delegations

  • This policy applies to all staff, trainers, learners, contractors, and visitors while on any of GTI facilities, training venues or vehicles.
  • It is the responsibility of all managers (Heads of Sections and coordinators) at GTI to make sure that staff and any contractors associated with the activities under their authority are made aware of the guidelines and associated procedures stated in this policy.
  • The Concerns and Complaints process does not include appeals of grades.

3. External Requirements

  • This policy and associated procedures help GTI meet the requirements of government quality assurance agencies, such as the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), and the Bahrain Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labour.
  • They provide assurance to industry partners and other stakeholders that GTI is a quality training provider, committed to continuous improvement of all its activities and operations.
  • This policy allows for international acts, regulations and guidelines to be used for guidance purposes for aspects of policy not covered by existing Bahrain legislation.

4. What is Expected

4.1 The following principles underpin GTI’s expectations regarding the dealing with concerns and complaints as defined in this policy.

  • Reflect the vision, mission, and values of GTI, including care and respect.
  • Maintain the highest ethical standards
  • Strive for excellence in guiding its operations and activities
  • Be in accordance with any Bahrain legislation and regulations that drive the requirements of policy.

4.2 Based on these principles, GTI’s Minimum Threshold Requirements are to ensure that:

  • Concerns and complaints are taken seriously.
  • They are dealt with fairly and promptly and at the lowest level as appropriate.

5. Procedures (Step-by-step instructions for routine tasks and operations)

  • The following steps will be taken to implement this concerns and complaints policy.





  • Informal stage one

Course coordinator

  • Complaints should be raised firstly with those directly involved, unless the nature of the complaint is in itself serious. Such action can often result in a speedy resolution of the matter without the need for formal proceedings. 
  • Complainants should be aware of the process and be encouraged to use the option of informal resolution first.
  • This process is intimated to trainees at the start of their programme by the course coordinator and to staff in their induction process. Contractors are advised as part of contract for services policies disclosure.
  • Bullying or sexual harassment claims are serious and go straight to step 3.

Bullying or sexual harassment go straight to step 3.

  • Informal Resolution Stage two

Head of programme or HR manager

  • If you are dissatisfied with the response from stage one or feel that you are unable to discuss your complaint with the person involved, you can then contact either the head of the programme (if you are a trainee) or the HR manager (if you are a staff member) and discuss your complaint with them, if appropriate.
  • You should contact the Head of programme or HR manager within a week of your raising the concern with the person concerned (or after receiving their response, as appropriate).
  • Your concern will then be reviewed by HR manager (staff member) or Head of programme (Trainee) who will review all of the evidence and provide a written reply of suggested actions to be issued within 2 weeks of receiving the concern.
  • This written response will be kept on file for three years, after which time it will be destroyed, if no further incidence is reported.
  • The person investigating your concern may judge it to be serious and ask that you complete a formal official complaint form (Step 3).
  • Formal Complaint

General Manager

If you are dissatisfied with the response from the HR Manager or the Head of programme, or the issue is very serious (allegations of bullying or sexual harassment, for example), then you can lodge a formal complaint. Formal complaint should be in writing using the complaint form available on GTI’s website within 2 weeks of the stage 2 informal appeal report being issued, or within two weeks of the incident giving rise to the complaint. This form should be sent to the General Manager (abbas.ali@gti.bh).

  • The formal complaint will be acknowledged within 1 week of receiving the complaint form.
  • The complainant will be informed of the GM’s decision of the complaint within 3 weeks of receiving the complaint form.
  • Records and closure

General Manager

  • There is no further right of complaint, unless the incident is repeated, in which case the GM should be contacted immediately.
  • This written response will be kept on file for three years, after which time it will be destroyed, if no further incidence is reported.
  • All new staff and learners will be notified of the requirements of this policy through staff/trainee inductions.
  • All contractors will be informed of the requirements of this policy prior to commencement of their services.

6. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

7. Key Dates

First Approved:                    26 January 2016

This Version Approved:       26 September 2022

Next Review Date:               September 2025 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Version Effective Date     Description of Changes    
01 26/01/2018 First approval of the policy (Appeals and complaints combined)
02 26/09/2022 Revision to separate out complaints, consistency with QAM codes and title. Complaints form.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/09/2022

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.