
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Code of Conduct Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement

  • The purpose of this policy is to outline GTI’s expectations regarding the behaviour of employees and trainees, to ensure smooth functioning, adherence to professional standards, and maintenance of the reputation of the overall organization.
  • GTI promotes open communication and freedom of expression, but within the bounds of the institute’s values of respect, care, and support, teamwork, flexibility and innovation, and responsibility and accountability that underpin GTI’s code of conduct.
  • Staff and trainees are expected to work together to foster a well-organized, respectful, and collaborative learning environment. Staff and trainees should avoid giving offence, and refrain from participating in serious disputes or causing disruption to learning or the efficient running of the workplace.
  • By adhering to this policy, GTI aims to maintain the confidence of staff, trainees, the public and the government in the integrity and professionalism of Alghad institute, its training outcomes, and any other services or facilities that it provides.

2. Application and Delegations

  • This policy applies to all staff, trainers, trainees, contractors, and visitors while on any of GTI facilities, training venues or vehicles.
  • It is the responsibility of all managers (Heads of Sections and coordinators) at GTI to make sure that guidelines and associated procedures stated in this policy are followed in the activities under their authority.

3. External Requirements

  • This policy and associated procedures help GTI meet the requirements of government quality assurance agencies, such as the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), and the Bahrain Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labour.
  • They provide assurance to industry partners and other stakeholders that GTI is a quality training provider, committed to continuous improvement of all its activities and operations.
  • Its explicit focus on adherence to values and professionalism in both training and support activities helps GTI meet the requirements of funding bodies such as Tamkeen and MoLSD, as well as those of professional accreditation agencies, such as Awarding bodies.
  • This policy allows for international acts, regulations and guidelines to be used for guidance purposes for aspects of policy not covered by existing Bahrain legislation.

4. What is Expected

4.1 The core values that underpin GTI’s operations and activities are:

  • Respect, care, and support-staff will add value to trainees’ experience and academic progress by always doing their best to support their learning, respecting differences, and striving for inclusivity.
  • Teamwork -staff and students are expected to work together with the community to serve the common good.
  • Flexibility and innovation-An attitude of seeking continuous improvement and new ways of doing things will enable GTI to adapt to the changing operating environment.
  • Responsibility and accountability– Trainees and staff need to take responsibility for their own learning and development. Staff are expected to be fully accountable for their own work and to contribute to the strategic goals and quality standards set by GTI. Trainees are expected to take responsibility for their own learning, being proactive in approaching staff for help if they feel that they are not making expected leaning progress, for whatever reason.

4.2 The following principles underpin GTI’s expectations regarding this policy. GTI will:

  • Maintain the highest ethical standards
  • Strive for excellence and innovation in guiding its operations and activities
  • Reflect the vision, mission, and values of GTI.
  • Be congruent with existing policies developed by GTI, and in accordance with any Bahrain legislation and regulations that drive the requirements of the quality management system of policies and procedures.

4.3 Based on these principles, the Minimum Threshold Requirements are to ensure that GTI:

  • Maintains the highest ethical standards.
  • Strives for excellence and innovation in its performance and activities.
  • Complies with all applicable government laws and regulations.
  • Manages and resources training appropriately and maintains adequate documentation about decisions.
  • Offers opportunities to enrol in short courses and programmes to all eligible citizens (who meet the admission requirements) regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, or disability.
  • Maintains awareness of conflicts of interest and addresses them to make sure that organisational performance is not unduly influenced.
  • Adheres to health and safety practices and complies with the relevant government laws and regulations.
  • Reports any discovered case of fraud, misconduct, dishonesty, fraud, or neglect of duty to the relevant government authorities.
  • Avoids involvement in any activities or actions that are inconsistent with the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Bahrain or with its partner GCC countries.
  • Complies with the Kingdom of Bahrain laws and regulations in its accounting policies and procedures and maintains strong internal controls.

5. Procedures

  • The following steps will be taken to implement this policy.





  • Publication of code of conduct

General Manager

The expectations of trainees and staff will be made available in the relevant manuals.

F1/O/A/005 Employees

[1] Conflicts of interest occur when an employee, contractor, or job applicant’s personal interests may not align with company needs or interests. If an employee uses their position for personal gain, engages in activities that will increase competitor profits, or acts in ways that could compromise the company’s legal position, these behaviours are considered conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of interest may also occur during the hiring process. To prevent conflicts in the hiring process, employees are not allowed to recommend family members for positions within their own departments. All job applicants must apply the same way, through the applicant tracking system platform, before being interviewed.

If an employee feels that a conflict of interest is likely to occur, that employee is instructed to discuss conflicts with the Human Resources Manager (HRM) or Manager or General Manager (GM), who are together responsible for monitoring potential conflicts in the workplace and working to prevent them. In the event that conflicts cannot be prevented, employees are instructed to work with the GM or HRM to mitigate risks and exposure to the greatest extent possible.

  • Induction

Course coordinator / HR manager 

The person organising the induction for newcomers will ensure that the code of conduct is outlined.

See Induction policy. Code of conduct to be signed by staff or trainees.

  • Monitoring

General Manager

If any breaches of the code are noted, then the GM will take steps to mitigate the risks associated and take steps to ensure compliance in the future.

Depending on the issue, procedures associated with other policies my be invoked, for example, the provisions of the Academic dishonesty and malpractice policy.

  • Action

General Manager

Where there is a serious breach of laws or regulations, such as fraud, the GM will report to the relevant government authorities after taking legal advice.

GM Job description notes responsibilities.

  • All new staff and learners will be notified of the requirements of this policy through staff/trainee inductions.
  • All contractors will be informed of the expectations of behaviour and requirements of this policy prior to commencement of their services.

6. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

7. Key Dates

First Approved: 26 March 2022

This Version Approved: 26 December 2023

Next Review Date: December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

VersionEffective Date    Description of Changes    
0126/03/2022First approval of the policy
0226/09/2022Revision to separate out complaints, consistency with QAM codes and title. Complaints form.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.