
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Admissions and Access Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement

  • The purpose of this policy is to establish a fair, transparent, consistent, and timely procedural framework for admitting potential trainees into the programmes offered by GTI.
  • GTI aims to ensure that the policy is inclusive, and that all applicants are given every opportunity to access the programmes best suited to their training needs, without fear of discrimination.
  • GTI will ensure that selection of applicants is on merit, based on clear, pre-published selection criteria, with entry in order of application, if the programme is over-subscribed.

2. Application and Delegations

  • This policy applies to the GTI staff involved in any aspect of the admission process, and to any applicants/potential trainees. Specific details of the additional considerations required to admit an applicant with special needs and/or disabilities, are covered in the Special Needs Policy.
  • It is the responsibility of all managers (Heads of Sections and coordinators) at GTI to make sure that guidelines and associated procedures stated in this policy are followed in the activities under their authority.

3. External Requirements

  • This policy and associated procedures help GTI meet the requirements of government quality assurance agencies, such as the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), and the Bahrain Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labour.
  • They provide assurance to industry partners and other stakeholders that GTI is a quality training provider, committed to continuous improvement of all its activities and operations.

4. What is Expected

4.1 The following principles underpin GTI’s expectations regarding this policy.

  • Admissions decisions at GTI are based on clear, pre-published entry criteria established for each programme.
  • Selection of trainees is based on merit, that is their demonstrated ability to meet entry criteria.
  • Procedures are fair, and transparent. If the programme is oversubscribed, applicants will be waitlisted and then accepted in order of application.
  • Admission procedures are consistently applied for all applicants, based on a commitment to inclusivity and equity of opportunity.
  • Staff will maintain the highest ethical standards, conducting the admissions process in a timely and supportive manner.
  • GTI will strive for excellence and innovation in guiding all its operations and activities related to admission and access, so that processing admissions is professional and efficient.
  • GTI‘s admission and access policy and procedures will be continuously reviewed to ensure they reflect the vision, mission, and values of GTI, and that they are consistent with other existing policies developed by GTI, including the Special Needs Policy and the Health and Safety Policy.
  • GTI‘s admission and access policy and procedures will be compliant, and in accordance with any Bahrain legislation and regulations that drive the requirements of policy.

4.2 Based on these principles, GTI’s Minimum Threshold Requirements are to ensure that the admission of applicants is:

  • based on merit, so that each trainee can reasonably expect to achieve the standards required for successful completion of the programme or course. Applicants shall provide acceptable evidence that entry requirements have been met as a condition of entry to a programme or course.
  • inclusive, so that applicants are given every opportunity to access the programmes best suited to their training needs, without fear of discrimination. Trainees who indicate that they have special learning needs, or a disability shall also be considered, with provision for their needs covered by GTI’s Special Needs and Differentiated Instruction Policy.
  • fair and consistent, with all applicants treated equitably. Admission decisions shall be made according to clear, well-communicated, pre-published selection criteria, with entry in order of application, if the programme is over-subscribed
  • compliant with applicable government legislation and regulations.

4.3 Notwithstanding the above, funding bodies, such as Tamkeen and MoLSD, may have their own conditions for admission to a programme. For example, being registered unemployed.

5. Procedures for general admissions

  • The following steps will be taken to implement this policy.





  • Establish entry criteria.
  • Establish trainee numbers.

Heads of programmes

Entry criteria wording revised to ensure clarity.

Number of trainee placements identified, considering funding and facilities.

Consider mode of delivery & maximum class sizes.

  • Publish admission process and closing dates

General Manager

Establish timeline

Publish opening dates and criteria with number of places available on programmes on GTI website and as required through other media, including print. Where trainees are directed through government agencies, there may be direct contact with prospective applicants.

Advertise programmes in accordance with marketing plan and budget.

  • Fielding enquiries

Farah Taheri Course Coordinator

Applicants can fill out expression of interest form on website, make contact by telephone, or call into the institute.

Enquiries are handled by the GTI reception staff.

Information given to enable an informed decision on part of applicant, as to best programme to meet their future occupation requirements. For some programmes, deciding on the correct level may necessitate the applicant sitting a placement test.

Xls summary of prospective applicants.

Results of placement test, e.g., for English, are used to match which of the 3 levels best meets an applicant’s learning needs. Placement test results are not used a condition of entry.

  • Receive completed applications up till cut-off.

Farah Taheri Course Coordinator

The applicants complete an application form and submit required documents as required by the programme they have applied for.

Update xls

  • RPL/cross crediting

Farah Taheri Course Coordinator

Applicants may apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or credit transfer, as appropriate.

Check relevant policy and the provisions of the awarding body regarding currency.

  • Evaluation of Applications

Head of programmes

Application form and submitted documents are assessed by the Heads of Programmes with coordinators.

Successful applicant list is drawn up and submitted to General Manager for checking and final approval.  

If there are too many applicants who meet the criteria for places, then the list is ordered by date of application, and a waitlist also submitted.

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  • Approved trainees and waitlist established

General Manager

Checks the list of potential trainees against criteria and dates. Approves trainee list and waitlist order Both lists are forwarded to GTI reception staff.

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  • Contact applicants re outcome of process

Farah Taheri Course Coordinator

GTI reception staff contact successful, waitlisted, and unsuccessful applicants. Successful applicants are invited to an induction, which includes a training needs analysis that allows for the identification of any learning needs not already disclosed. Non-successful applicants are provided with feedback as to why their applications are not accepted.

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  • All new staff will be notified of the requirements of this policy through staff inductions.
  • All prospective trainees will be informed of the requirements of this policy during marketing events and through print and social media outlets.

6. Deferred Admissions

Applicants who have been offered a place on the programme but wish to defer their joining date may be considered on completion of a written application. Approval is at the discretion of the Head of the Programme and the General Manager. This is not an automatic process, as the continuity of programmes, particularly those government funded, cannot always be assured. Deferment is only allowed for one (1) year, after which one more re-application shall be allowed. The applicant shall be considered a new applicant after such time has elapsed.

7. Withholding or Withdrawal of Offered Admissions

GTI reserves the right to withhold or withdraw its offer of admission should there be reasonable doubt regarding the presence of falsehood in an application. Decisions regarding withdrawal shall always be based on the results of a rigorous investigative process.

8. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

9. Key Dates

First Approved:                    2 February 2018

This Version Approved:       2 September 2022

Next Review Date:               27 August 2025 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

VersionEffective Date    Description of Changes    
0126/01/2018 First approval of the policy
0227/08/2022Revision for consistency with QAM, allocation of codes, wording for inclusivity and title

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 27/08/2022

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.