
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Academic Honesty and Malpractice Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Purpose

GTI Training Institute treats all cases of suspected malpractice* very seriously and will investigate all suspected and reported incidents of possible malpractice. The purpose of this Policy is to set out how allegations of malpractice in relation to all GTI qualifications are dealt with.

2. Scope

The scope of the policy is to provide:

  • a definition of malpractice
  • examples of trainees and Institute malpractice and maladministration;
  • possible sanctions that may be imposed in cases of malpractice.

*The term ‘malpractice’ in this policy is used for both malpractice and maladministration.

3. Principles

  1. For the purpose of this document ‘malpractice’ is defined as:
  • Any act, or failure to act, that threatens or compromises the integrity of the assessment process or the validity of GTI qualifications and their certification. This includes: maladministration and the failure to maintain appropriate records or systems; the deliberate falsification of records or documents for any reason connected to the award of qualifications; acts of plagiarism or other academic misconduct; and/or actions that compromise the reputation or authority of GTI Training Institute), or its Institutes, officers and employees.
  1. GTI Training Institute will report all relevant cases of suspected malpractice to Awarding Body and Ministry of Labor, accepting that in certain circumstances may take action of its own, including imposing sanctions.
  1. Malpractice by trainees
  • Some examples of trainees malpractice are described below. These examples are not exhaustive and all incidents of suspected malpractice, whether or not described below, will be fully investigated, where there are sufficient grounds to do so.
  • Obtaining examination or assessment material without authorization.
  • Arranging for an individual other than the trainees to sit an assessment or to submit an assignment not undertaken by the trainees.
  • Impersonating another trainee to sit an assessment or to submit an assignment on their behalf.
  • Collaborating with another trainees or individual, by any means, to complete a coursework assignment or assessment, unless it has been clearly stated that such collaboration is permitted.
  • Damaging another trainee’s work.
  • Inclusion of inappropriate or offensive material in coursework assignments or assessment scripts.
  • Failure to comply with published examination regulations.
  • Disruptive behavior or unacceptable conduct, including the use of offensive language, at Institute or assessment venue (including aggressive or offensive language or behavior).
  • Producing, using or allowing the use of forged or falsified documentation, including but not limited to:
    1. personal identification;
    2. supporting evidence provided for reasonable adjustment or special consideration applications; and
    3. Qualification results documentation, including certificates.
  • Falsely obtaining, by any means, certificate.
  • Misrepresentation or plagiarism
  • Fraudulent claims for special consideration while studying.
  1. Examination Policy:
  • Possession of any materials not permitted in the assessment room, regardless of whether or not they are relevant to the assessment, or whether or not the trainees refers to them during the assessment process, for example notes, blank paper, electronic devices including mobile phones, personal organisers, books, dictionaries / calculators (when prohibited).
  • Communicating in any form, for example verbally or electronically, with other trainees in the assessment room when it is prohibited.
  • Copying the work of another trainees or knowingly allowing another trainee to copy from their own work.
  • Failure to comply with instructions given by the assessment invigilator, ie, working beyond the allocated time; refusing to hand in assessment script / paper when requested; not adhering to warnings relating to conduct during the assessment.
  1. Malpractice by GTI employees and stakeholders.
    • Examples of malpractice by, trainer and other officers, (including, where the Institute is also an examination Institute, invigilators and examination administrators) are listed below. These examples are not exhaustive and all incidents of suspected malpractice, whether or not described below, will be fully investigated, where there are sufficient grounds to do so.
    • Failure to adhere to the relevant regulations and procedures, including those relating to Institute approval, security undertaking and monitoring requirements.
    • Knowingly allowing an individual to impersonate a trainee.
    • Allowing a trainee to copy another trainees’ assignment work, or allowing a trainees to let their own work be copied.
    • Allowing trainees to work collaboratively during an assignment assessment, unless specified in the assignment brief.
    • Completing an assessed assignment for a trainees or providing them with assistance beyond that ‘normally’ expected.
    • Disruptive behavior or unacceptable conduct, including the use of offensive language (including aggressive or offensive language or behavior).
    • Allowing disruptive behavior or unacceptable conduct at the Institute to go unchallenged, for example, aggressive or offensive language or behavior.
    • Divulging any information relating to trainee’s performance and / or results to anyone other than the trainees.
    • Producing, using or allowing the use of forged or falsified documentation, including but not limited to:
      1. personal identification;
      2. supporting evidence provided for reasonable adjustment or special consideration applications; and
      3. results documentation, including certificates
    • Falsely obtaining by any means certificate.
    • Failing to report a suspected case of trainee’s malpractice, including plagiarism, to GTI.
  1. Possible malpractice sanction
  • Following an investigation, if a case of malpractice is upheld, GTI Training Institute may impose sanctions or other penalties on the individual(s) concerned.
  • Listed below are examples of sanctions that may be applied to a trainee, or to a trainer, tutor, invigilator or other officer who has had a case of malpractice upheld against them. Please note that
    1. this list is not exhaustive and other sanctions may be applied on a case-by-case basis.
    2. where the malpractice affects examination performance, GTI may impose sanctions of its own.
    3. Possible study Institute sanctions that may be applied to trainees
      • A written warning about future conduct:
      • Notification to an employer, regulator or the police.
      • Removal from the course
    4. Possible sanctions that may be applied to trainers, tutors’ invigilators, and other officers:
      • A written warning about future conduct.
      • Imposition of special conditions for the future involvement of the individual(s) in the conduct, teaching, supervision or administration of trainees and/or examinations.
      • Informing any other organization known to employ the individual in relation to GTI courses or examinations of the outcome of the case.
      • (GTI Training Institute) may carry out unannounced monitoring of the working practices of the individual(s) concerned.
      • Dismissal

4. Malpractice Procedure

  1. Reporting a suspected case of malpractice.
    • This process applies to, trainers, tutors, invigilators trainees and other Institute staff, and to any reporting of malpractice by a third party or individual who wishes to remain anonymous.
    • Any case of suspected malpractice should be reported in the first instance to GTI Training Institute, – Quality Team.
    • A written report should then be sent to the person identified in 5.2, clearly identifying the factual information, including statements from other individuals involved and / or affected, any evidence obtained, and the actions that have been taken in relation to the incident.
    • Suspected malpractice must be reported as soon as possible to the person identified in 5.2, and at the latest within two working days from its discovery. Where the suspected malpractice has taken place in an examination, the incident be reported urgently, and the appropriate steps taken as specified by GTI.
    • Wherever possible, and provided other trainees are not disrupted by doing so, a trainees suspected of malpractice should be warned immediately that their actions may constitute malpractice, and that a report will be made to the Institute.
    • In cases of suspected malpractice by Institute trainers, tutor’s invigilators and other officers, and any reporting of malpractice by a third party or individual who wishes to remain anonymous, the report made to the person in 5.2 should include as much information as possible, including the following:
      1. the date time and place the alleged malpractice took place, if known.
      2. the name of the Institute trainer/tutor, invigilator or other person(s) involved
      3. a description of the suspected malpractice; and
      4. any available supporting evidence.
    • In cases of suspected malpractice reported by a third party, or an individual who wishes to remain anonymous, GTI Training Institute will take all reasonable steps to authenticate the reported information and to investigate the alleged malpractice.
  2. Administering suspected cases of malpractice
    • GTI Training Institute will investigate each case of suspected or reported malpractice relating to GTI qualifications, to ascertain whether malpractice has occurred. The investigation will aim to establish the full facts and circumstances. We will promptly take all reasonable steps to prevent any adverse effect that may arise as a result of the malpractice, or to mitigate any adverse effect, as far as possible, and to correct it to make sure that any action necessary to maintain the integrity of qualifications and reputation is taken.
    • GTI Training Institute will acknowledge all reports of suspected malpractice within five working days. All the parties involved in the case will then be contacted within 10 working days of receipt of the report detailing the suspected malpractice. We may also contact other individuals who may be able to provide evidence relevant to the case.
    • The individual(s) concerned will be informed of the following:
      1. that an investigation is going to take place, and the grounds for that investigation.
      2. details of all the relevant timescales, and dates, where known.
      3. that they have a right to respond by providing a personal written response relating to the suspected malpractice (within 15 working days of the date of that letter);
      4. that, if malpractice is considered proven, sanctions may be imposed either by GTI Training Institute), (see section 6, below) reflecting the seriousness of the case.
      5. that, if they are found guilty, they have the right to appeal.
    • Where more than one individual is contacted regarding a case of suspected malpractice, for example in a case involving suspected collusion, we will contact each individual separately, and will not reveal personal data to any third party unless necessary for the purpose of the investigation.
    • The individual has a right to appeal against a malpractice outcome if they believe that the policy or procedure has not been followed properly or has been implemented to their detriment.
    • Records of all malpractice cases and their outcomes are maintained by GTI Training Institute for a period of at least five years and are subject to regular monitoring and review.

5. Key Dates

First Approved: 1st May 2012

Second Review Date: 1st May 2018

Third Review Date: 12 March 2022

This Version Approved: 26 December 2023

Next Review Date December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.