
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Academic Appeals

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement

This policy expounds on the necessary points needed to understand the process of academic appeals. There will be particular situations when a student may have valid grounds to appeal against an academic decision or outcome. So, as part of its commitment to ensure that learners experience support from their acceptance to the completion of a course or programme, GTI would like to provide aid in resolving such issues as fairly and effectively as possible.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all GTI students and courses. An academic appeal is a request for a formal review of an academic decision based on particular limitations which are outlined below in section 5. It is different from raising a complaint. A complaint occurs when concerns are raised about the quality or delivery of teaching and training a learner has received from the institution. Academic complaints are considered under a separate Complaints Policy.

3. Definition

Academic appeal is a fair process whereby a student may request for a review of an academic decision which may impact academic standing or progression.

4. Principles of Academic Appeals

  • In keeping with GTI’s thrust to foster integrity, all parties involved in an academic appeal will be treated fairly and with respect.
  • Clear documentation that show how learners can make use of academic appeals, their rights and their responsibilities in submitting their claims for appeal, with supporting evidence, within deadlines and according to stated criteria must be available.
  • The learner should make every attempt, when possible, to discuss the issue with the trainer to attempt to resolve the issue.
  • Learners dismissed from a course or programme can first appeal the grade decision to the Programme Head. If that appeal is declined, they may appeal their case to the GTI General Manager.
  • A learner’s privacy and confidentiality will be respected at all stages of the process.
  • A learner will not be disadvantaged as a result of making an appeal in good faith.
  • The process is evidence-based
  • Third-party academic appeals will not be allowed, not unless there are unavoidable circumstances that would prevent the actual learner to appeal his case.
  • Late appeals will only be considered in the most exceptional circumstances and where there is good reason, supported by evidence, for the late submission.
  • GTI will not entertain an appeal that is submitted for the purpose of questioning the academic judgement exercised such as in cases where the learner is merely unhappy or disagrees with a mark given to assessed work.
  • To initiate an academic appeal, a learner must fill out and submit an appeals form within 15 business days after the issuance of a course grade or any academic decision where he feels he might be disadvantaged.

5. Limitations of Academic Appeals

Grounds for appeal:

  • Procedural irregularity during a documented assessment procedure where segments were not applied and that this has disadvantaged the learner.
  • Administrative error during assessments which resulted in the learner being disadvantaged.
  • Bias occurred during an assessment and can be proven.
  • There were circumstances during the course or programme that affected the learner’s performance, for which supporting evidence exists, and these were not known to the institution, such as subtle medical conditions.

The following are not considered valid reasons for academic appeals:

  • Disagreement with the academic decision of the trainer on grounds other than the above
  • Issues related to claims of discrimination or harassment, for which a separate GTI policy applies
  • Borderline failure to attain advancement in a programme where reasons for failure are clearly obvious and documented
  • Backdated reporting of mitigating personal circumstances that might have been reasonably made known at the time
  • Lack of awareness of the relevant GTI procedures or regulations
  • Complaints regarding the quality of supervision or other issues relating to the training. These are addressed under a separate Complaints Policy.

6. External Requirements

This policy aids GTI fulfill the requirements of:

  • Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), Bahrain
  • Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labor

Academic Appeals

7. Purpose

This section describes the steps involved in processing applications for academic appeals.

8. Learner Academic Appeals Procedure

  • INFORMAL RESOLUTION Students are expected and encouraged to approach their trainers about their issues




Location (as applicable)

Learner seeks clarification and discussion time from trainer on the issue concerned. 


If the learner and trainer are able to reach an agreement about the issue concerned, both shall sign a document stating the resolution of the case.

Learner and Trainer

Resolution of issue

Signed document is forwarded to Registry for filing

Reception or support staff

Learner’s records

  • FORMAL ACADEMIC APPEAL (Stage 1): This process is initiated if the learner did not get a satisfactory response from the informal resolution phase




Location (as applicable)

Student fills out an academic appeals form which may be obtained from the reception desk with provision of evidences, as applicable  from trainer on the issue concerned. 


Student fills out academic appeals form

Reception desk

Receptionist forwards the form to the Programme Head (PH)


PH receives the form

PH reviews the form and presented evidences to determine the validity of the claim of the learner for the appeal based on the policy.


PH may either reject the appeal if it is determined that there is no cause for it to continue OR move the appeal process forward.

  • If the appeal is rejected, PH fills out the necessary information on the appeal form and returns it to the reception desk.
  • Receptionist calls and informs the learner about the PH’s decision

PH / Receptionist

  • Receptionist accepts back the form.
  • Learner is informed of PH’s decision and form is filed

Reception desk / Student’s course file

If appeal is deemed valid, an appeal team is put together by the PH consisting of not less than 3 disinterested academics; the trainer with whom the learner has a dispute with shall be asked by the PH to provide a statement why the informal resolution was rejected and provide evidence for such a decision.


Appeal team is convened and is provided with all documents and evidences provided by both parties

Appeal team may interview trainer and learner to clarify particular points in the appeal

Appeal team

Clarification of issues

Appeal team provides a decision and fill out the pertinent section of the appeal form; all members sign the document and return the document to the reception desk.

Appeal team

Decision made

Receptionist informs the learner of the Appeal team’s decision ; implement recommendations made by the Appeal team on the form; file the form


Implementation of the recommendations made by the appeal team; filing of form

Student’s course file.

  • FORMAL ACADEMIC APPEAL (Stage 2): This is the final process initiated if the learner did not get a satisfactory response from the Stage 1 formal academic appeals phase




Location (as applicable)

Student fills out the portion of the academic appeals form which raises the issue to the General Manager (GM). The form is obtained from the reception desk with provision of evidences, as applicable 


Student fills out the appropriate segment of the academic appeals form

Reception desk

Receptionist forwards the form to the GM


GM receives the form

GM reviews the form and presented evidences to determine the validity of the claim of the learner for the appeal based on the policy.


GM may either reject the appeal if it is determined that there is no cause for it to continue OR move the appeal process forward.

  • If the appeal is rejected, GM fills out the necessary information on the appeal form and returns it to the reception desk


Receptionist accepts back the form

Reception desk

  • Receptionist calls and informs the learner about the GM’s decision


Learner is informed of GM’s decision, learner signs and form is filed

Student’s course file

GM may interview the members of the appeal team,  trainer and learner to clarify particular points in the appeal


Clarification of issues

GM provides a final decision and fill out the pertinent section of the appeal form; GM signs the document and return the document to the reception desk.


FINAL decision made; decision is non-appealable

Receptionist informs the learner of the GM’s final decision; implement recommendations made by the GM on the form; file the form


Implementation of the recommendations made by the appeal team; filing of form

Student’s course file.

9. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

10. Key Dates

First Approved: state when and by General Manager 12 March 2022

This Version Approved: 26 December 2023

Next Review Date: December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Version Effective Date     Description of Changes    
01 12/03/2022 First approval of the policy
02 26/09/2022 Revision for consistency with QAM, allocation of codes.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.