
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Special Circumstances Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement and Purpose

This policy aims at clarifying the mechanism and implementing of virtual training at Al Ghad Training Centre (GTI). The policy includes the academic aspects as well as the health & safety one. This policy has been developed due to fulfill the need of the unexpected circumstances that took place due to COVID-19.

2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to:

  • All staff, learners and visitors who have direct an indirect contact with GTI.
  • All training programs to which virtual and non-virtual training is applied.
  • All trainers, coordinators and trainees participating in the training courses.

3. External Requirements

This policy helps GTI meet the following external requirements of:

  • Ministry of Labour and Social Development requirements (Training Directorate).
  • Bahrain Quality Assurance Authority (BQA), Bahrain.
  • Ministry of Health.

4. Definitions

  • Special Circumstances: we identify the special circumstances as any incident or circumstances that prevent GTI from operating as normal.
  • Virtual training: It is the training that takes place online through synchronous and asynchronous virtual classes, in which modern digital tools are used to increase the quality and effectiveness of the training process.
  • Synchronous classes: They are similar to classrooms, in which the trainer and the trainee use tools and software linked to a specific time, meaning that the trainer and the trainee meet together at the same time, but via the Internet and this happens through the use of certain training platforms such as Microsoft Teams.
  • Asynchronous classes: It is an online training process between the trainee and the trainer without them meeting at the same time, that is, the trainer prepares the training files using modern digital tools and sends them to the trainees to be trained on them at a time that suits them.

5. Principals

  1. Virtual training is applied to all programs provided by GTI Training Centre.
  2. Reliable and secure training systems such as well-known and tested Zoom software and Google tools must be used.
  3. The number of trainees registered in the virtual training programs should not exceed a maximum of 25 trainees in one group.
  4. The trainees are expected to attend all virtual training sessions and related field visits, workshops, seminars, or others.
  5. In order to obtain the credit for completing the training program, the trainee must attend at least seventy percent (70%) of the virtual training sessions.
  6. Failure to attend at least seventy percent (70%) of the virtual training sessions scheduled to be held will result in the trainee not being eligible for the training program certificate; Unless he attends compensatory sessions to meet the attendance requirements, and if the attendance requirements cannot be met by the compensatory sessions, the center may resort to enrolling the trainee in another group for the same training program.
  7. The responsibility for recording attendance rests with the trainers and coordinators of the training programs in compliance with the procedures drawn up by the training program.
  8. Trainees must enter the virtual training sessions on time and stay for the duration of the training session.
  9. The trainee is considered late when they are late for the start of the virtual training session after ten minutes.
  10. The trainee must be notified and alerted in case of non-discipline in attendance and departure; Either by e-mail, SMS or any other means that Alghad Training Centre finds appropriate and adequate; The promotion and marketing staff must communicate with the employer or the training officer to inform him of the attendance and absence status of the trainee.
  11. An official attendance report should be issued to the employer or sponsor at the end of the training program.
  12. GTI team should provide the trainees with guidelines and special conditions related to attendance compensation and evaluation in the event of a trainee being late or absent before submitting the post-test.
  13. The trainers and trainees should log in to the virtual training sessions through the user name and password for each user provided by the centre. It is strictly forbidden to send any materials or attachments from external accounts not affiliated with GTI, and any external messages contrary to the instructions should be rejected, and sessions should be customized training programs affiliates and related persons such as internal and external auditors and the official bodies supervising the training, and not allowing any trainee to enter other accounts.
  14. Urging the trainees to turn on the camera while participating and interacting in the virtual training sessions and directing them to change the background in order to preserve their privacy as well as emphasizing the trainees to prepare the place and be ready to turn on the camera at any time and to maintain the dress in line with customs and traditions, and to emphasize the trainees the need to ensure that the camera is closed before Join the session and not open it unless they are ready.
  15. All tools available for participation, such as voice posts via microphone and written posts via chat, must be activated, with diversification of use whenever needed.
  16. The trainers should commit to attending the virtual training sessions on time and applying the regulations in the event of lack of discipline.
  17. Trainers must use appropriate tools for virtual training to achieve the required outputs.
  18. Trainers are obligated to implement virtual training programs in platforms that are compatible with GTI systems.
  19. The trainers must cover all the outputs of the training program and adapt the method of covering them to suit the hypothetical training process at the specified time.
  20. Trainers must adhere to the assessment mechanism set by Alghad, follow up on performance improvement and provide the necessary support whenever necessary.
  21. Assigning a training program coordinator to each of the virtual training groups to control and support the training session, and to ensure that they are in a suitable place if they work remotely outside the centre.
  22. Allow the relevant authorities (Ministry of Labor / Labor Fund “Tamkeen”, external quality consultants and the Bahrain Quality Assurance Authority) to access the default system used, such as enabling them to view training materials, evaluation mechanisms used, learning outcomes, trainees’ performance, in addition to reviewing attendance and other related matters program evaluation.
  23. Alghad Training Centre is obligated to compensate the trainees with another training session in the event:
  • A power outage.
  • In the event of lowliness of the internet.
  • In the absence of the trainer.

Or, whenever needed to support the performance of trainees, they will be compensated with additional training sessions.

6. Procedure

  1. Ensure that all trainees have the necessary equipment for virtual training during the registration process, and it is considered a prerequisite for joining and accepting the training program.
  2. Organizing an introductory courses for all trainees registered in the virtual training program to explain the procedures and instructions related to virtual training and train them to use the platforms used in training ZOOM or the other platforms.
  3. The trainees are directed to enter the virtual training session 5 minutes before the start of the training session to provide technical support and start at the specified time for the session. The delay must be excused.
  4. The training program coordinator must follow up and monitor the attendance of the trainee throughout the virtual sessions, by following up on his participation and through his response to the trainer, and if it is found that he is not present through the attendance sheet that appears in the ZOOM platform, he will be contacted directly.
  5. Randomly calling the trainee to request audio, video or written participation as a form of attendance monitoring.
  6. The training process is evaluated through the initial and final evaluation, which includes the three items: evaluation of the training program / evaluation of the trainer / evaluation of the services and the facilities. These evaluations are designed through Google Forms to suit the nature of the implementation of the training program.
  7. The training program coordinator is obligated to send the link to the evaluation at the last hour of the training program.
  8. All trainees are obligated to make evaluations, and the coordinator will follow up on their observations and suggestions through direct communication with them.
  9. The performance of the trainees is evaluated based on the applications, short tests, and the pre and post test sent to them during the training session, after which scores are calculated for each application and test, and the correction process will be done by the trainer himself or the assessor. The grades are monitored in the course file.
  10. All the training materials used in the virtual training programs are digital copies, and they are uploaded by the training team to the trainee on ZOOM platform, and the trainees ensure that they receive it directly by signing the electronic form.
  11. The training program coordinator must stop sharing the recording immediately after the end of the training session, and requests to share the recordings must not be responded to until after approval and study of the request.

7. Health & Safety

  1. Posters and information on the Coronavirus – its nature, its symptoms, precautions and treatment is kept in the notice boards
  2. A First aid box – with cotton gauze sponges, elastic bandages, handyplasts, Dettol, fast relief sprays and paracetamol tablets – are available for emergencies.
  3. Instant NO contact, temperature reading and thermo flash are available to monitor the temperature of learners.
  4. Hand Sanitizers for use by the Staff, learners and visitors are kept in a visible location.
  5. No visitors are allowed to enter GTI premises without wearing face masks. Masks are made available at each desk for use of staff and all other stakeholders.
  6. Single use gloves are also available in the center for use whenever required. The same is used while transferring/exchanging physical items like papers, hardware among staff members.
  7. Temperature log is maintained for all staff and visitors and anyone having high fever is not allowed in the center.
  8. All learners are required to maintain social distancing as per the directives of the Ministry of Health from time to time.
  9. Staff are also using separate distant stations as per the directives of the Ministry of Health from time to time.
  10. Alghad promotes virtual learning under the circumstances of the spread of the coronavirus to ensure minimum or no physical contact amongst learners and trainers.
  11. GTI will ensure the attendance of learners as per MOL policy and the External Awarding Bodies during such cases.
  12. GTI also promotes assessments through virtual mode wherever possible and technical systems are in place to enable the same.
  13. housekeeping staff will disinfect common areas like washrooms and training rooms at regular intervals.
  14. Separate cloth and wipes are used for desks, labs and stations of the staff.
  15. No food items or drinks are served to staff or leaners
  16. Training rooms capacity has been reduced to adhere to the norms of the Ministry of Health regulations.

8. Key Dates

Last Review Date: 26 December 2023

Next Review Date: December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Version Effective Date     Description of Changes    
01 12/03/2022 First approval of the policy

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.