
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Learner Support Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

Head of programme

1. Policy Statement

  • The purpose of this policy is to provide a personalised and supportive learning environment in which trainees receive valuable learning experiences, achieve their full potential, and are thoroughly prepared for the world of work.
  • GTI aims to support each learner to achieve success in the programme of study that they are enrolled in through early identification of, and response to, personal and academic issues which have the potential to adversely affect their academic achievement.
  • GTI will put in place adequate institutional mechanisms to provide appropriate intervention and support strategies that will appropriately address the diversity of learner needs.
  • This policy is intended to provide staff with information regarding their responsibilities in the identification of trainees who require additional support and to ensure appropriate interventions are implemented to support them to successfully complete their training.

2. Application and Delegations

  • This policy applies to all trainers and trainees enrolled in GTI programmes. It is noted that GTI also has a Special Needs and Differentiated Instruction Policy T/P/002 that sets out the requirements for trainees who have identified disabilities or special learning needs, that will be catered for by differentiated instruction, modified resources and, if necessary, the provision of support such as reader/writer to complete assessments.
  • It is the responsibility of all managers (Heads of Sections and coordinators) at GTI to make sure that guidelines and associated procedures stated in this policy are followed in the activities under their authority.

3. External Requirements

  • This policy and associated procedures help GTI meet the requirements of government quality assurance agencies, such as the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), and the Bahrain Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labour.
  • They provide assurance to industry partners and other stakeholders that GTI is a quality training provider, committed to continuous improvement of all its activities and operations.

4. What is Expected

4.1 The following principles underpin GTI’s expectations regarding this policy.

Trainers are expected to demonstrate:

  • A commitment to ensuring each trainee has the appropriate support to be successful in their selected programme of study.
  • Proactive provision of support and advice when careful monitoring identifies trainees are making below expected levels of progress.
  • The maintenance of the highest ethical standards
  • Excellence and innovation in guiding responding to the needs of trainees and in offering activities to extend their learning
  • That they reflect the vision, mission, and values of GTI, especially care and respect and act in accordance with any Bahrain legislation and regulations.

Trainees are expected to:

  • Abide by the learner code of conduct (Code of Conduct Policy O/A/005) and any other policies and guidelines that can have an impact on their studies.
  • Seek relevant support/professional assistance where an issue is having an impact, or has the capacity to impact, upon their progress during their studies.
  • Seek and follow advice from trainers, course coordinators, the Head of Programme or relevant staff member.
  • Fulfil all requirements of the programme taking an active role in training and extracurricular activities.
  • Make GTI staff aware of any impediments to completing the requirements of their training in a timely fashion.

4.2 Based on these principles, the Minimum Threshold Requirements are that GTI will ensure that:

  • An accurate database of trainee progress and attendance is kept so that learners requiring support can be identified.
  • New trainees are informed of the support available and how to access it at an induction programme to be held on the first day of a new programme.
  • New trainees will be provided with a ‘Learners’ Manual’ and referred to the GTI website, which gives a summary of policies, including this one, for easy access and future reference.
  • A training needs analysis is conducted prior to conducting training, so that trainers are aware of any gaps in trainees’ preparedness for the course.
  • Trainees are advised to access external welfare services, where a trainee’s identified problems require support of a more specialist nature, such as the provision of psychological counselling services to learners.
  • The provision of careers guidance provided is appropriate to the training programme level.
  • Liaisons with outside agencies are maintained where appropriate, to provide advice where matters pertinent to learners’ issues are outside the normal scope of trainee support.
  • Trainees can access the library, ICT facilities and are provided with extra-curricular activities linked to their identified interests and career aspirations.
  • Assistance is provided with Work Based Experience Programmes.

5. Procedures (Step-by-step instructions for routine tasks and operations)

  • The following steps will be taken to implement this learners’ support policy.





  • Raise awareness of support mechanisms at induction.

Course coordinator

Plan an appropriate induction for trainees, covering policies and procedures to access support, and provide a ‘Learners’ manual’ to support.

The GTI website has policies and procedures.

  • Training needs analysis (TNA)

Couse coordinator

Conduct a TNA before training commences, in order to identify any gaps in trainees’ readiness to engage in learning.

TNA to be kept with course documentation records.

  • Monitoring of progress, attitude, attendance, and behaviour


  • Identify if any trainees are not making expected progress.
  • Provide extra tuition and/or first-level counselling as required.
  • Complete Learner Support form and send to QAA.

QAA collates data as trend. QAT provides advices to support learners outside of parameters of GTI capability and capacity.

  • Technical support for e-learning.

Course coordinators.

Where trainees are learning online and require technical support, they will call the course coordinators who will walk them through appropriate solutions.

This may be the provision of a computer or how to use an application, such as ZOOM. See Special Circumstances Policy           T/P/015.

  • All new staff and learners will be notified of the requirements of this policy through staff/trainee inductions.

6. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

7. Key Dates

First Approved:                    26 January 2016

This Version Approved:       26 December 2023

Next Review Date:               December 2024 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

VersionEffective Date    Description of Changes    
0126/01/2016First approval of the policy (Appeals and complaints combined)
0223/09/2022Revision to separate out complaints, consistency with QAM codes and title. Complaints form.

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 26/12/2023

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.