
AlGhad Training Institute Quality Management System

Special Needs and Differentiated Instruction Policy

Policy Reference:




Person Responsible:

General Manager

1. Policy Statement

  • The purpose of this policy is to establish an inclusive learning environment, that is accessible by, and supportive of, trainees with special needs. Special needs are education requirements resulting from experiencing learning difficulties and/or having physical, intellectual, social, or emotional capabilities that restrict or hinder the capacity of a trainee to participate in or benefit from education and training.
  • GTI’s admission and access policy aims to ensure that trainees of determination are given every opportunity to access the programmes best suited to their training needs, without fear of discrimination. This policy follows on, endeavouring to help those trainees with identified special needs to take a full and active part in both the training and social activities associated with programmes offered by GTI.
  • This policy aims to ensure that GTI makes the necessary provision to facilitate effective teaching, learning and assessment for any trainee with identified special needs, while recognizing that no two disabilities are exactly alike, and that people experience disability effects in different ways.

2. Application and Delegations

  • This policy applies to all trainees that have identified special needs or disabilities on admission, and to all GTI staff involved in any aspect of the training and/or support of trainees of determination.
  • The policy does not claim to be able to address every potential situation and, therefore, in case of difficulty, advice on the appropriate support and guidance for trainees of determination should be sought in the first instance from the Heads of Sections and coordinators.
  • The General Manager may in turn seek specialist external advice to make appropriate decisions regarding the support of trainees with special needs enrolled in programmes under GTI’s authority.

3. External Requirements

  • This policy is congruent with Bahrain Government legislation and the National Disability Council guidelines, that emphasize anti-discrimination measures, rehabilitation, and individual support.
  • The policy helps GTI meet the requirements of Bahrain’s Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA), and the Bahrain Directorate of Institutes Affairs, Bahrain Ministry of Labour, providing assurance to industry partners and other stakeholders that GTI is committed to inclusion in both training and wider operations.

4. What is Expected

4.1 The following principles underpin GTI’s expectations regarding implementation of the special needs and differentiated instruction policy.

  • On accepting a trainee with special education needs or disabilities on a course or a programme, GTI accepts responsibility to provide equitable treatment appropriate to meet that individual’s needs while training.
  • GTI training rooms and premises will be reviewed on admission of any trainee with special needs and/or disabilities, to ensure that the learning environment is welcoming and accessible. For example, desks might need to be repositioned for placement of a wheelchair.
  • GTI undertakes to do its very best to prevent, minimize, and/or remove any barriers to the participation in the training and learning activities by individuals with special needs or disabilities.
  • Trainers will differentiate teaching, resources and learning activities, routinely considering the diversity of learners enrolled in their programmes when planning training. Trainers will provide learning opportunities that engage the range of different abilities and variety of learning styles evident amongst trainees in their classes.
  • Trainers and training coordinators may make special arrangements for assessment and/or provide appropriate facilities if required to enable the assessment of trainees with special needs, while ensuring that any modifications to the conduct of tests and examinations preserve the integrity of the essential learning outcomes and standards of the course or programme. The Assessment and Moderation Policy T/P/005 aims for fairness and inclusivity, stating that assessment tasks should provide every trainee with a fair opportunity to demonstrate their learning and should not discriminate against trainees based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, or disability.
  • Staff will maintain the highest ethical standards, maintaining appropriate levels of confidentiality regarding information about a trainee’s special needs or disabilities disclosed, conducting any follow-up response in a sensitive, timely and supportive manner.
  • GTI will strive for excellence and innovation in the provision of training, and support for trainees with special needs and disabilities.
  • GTI‘s special needs policy and procedures will be continuously reviewed to ensure they reflect GTI’s vision, mission, and values; that they are consistent with other GTI policies; and that they remain compliant with any changes to Bahrain legislation and regulations.

4.2 Based on these principles, GTI’s Minimum Threshold Requirements are to:

  • ensure that the provision for trainees with special needs and/or disabilities is differentiated and inclusive, so that they can participate in relevant learning activities and be given every opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes specified in the programme that they are enrolled in.
  • maintain confidentiality, so that information and records relating to the special needs or disabilities of a trainee are not released without the consent in writing of the learner.
  • be responsive to any concerns raised by the trainee with special needs and/or disabilities, making them aware of GTI’s Complaints Policy, where issues cannot be resolved at programme level to the satisfaction of all parties in a timely manner.
  • to maintain compliance with applicable government legislation and regulations.

5. Procedures

  • The following steps will be taken to implement this policy.





  • The applicant completes application form and submit required documents as required by the programme they have applied for. Applicant advises GTI of any special needs on application.


Applicants have a responsibility to identify their special needs requirements when they make an application for a course, providing supporting documents from qualified professionals. The applicant needs to initiate communication with GTI management and trainer(s) on issues and problems relating to special needs accommodation.

If the onset of the condition arises during the programme, the same requirement applies, with the onus being on the trainee to provide documentation to help GTI make an informed decision about how best to support the trainee.

  • Fielding enquiries

Farah Taheri Course Coordinator

GTI recognises the right of a person with special needs to apply for a programme, and the entry requirements apply to all, notwithstanding any special needs identified. The first step is to ensure that the applicant meets the standard entry conditions, which are set to ensure the highest chances of successful course completion.

Special needs requirements are NOT considered in the admission stage.

GTI will publish opening dates and criteria with number of places available on programmes on GTI website. These criteria form the basis of decision making as to who can enter the programme.  If the course is oversubscribed, applicants will be waitlisted according to their date of application.

  • GTI considers mode of delivery & any special requirements based on documentation provided by trainee.

General Manager with Head of Section and Course Coordinator

The second step, assuming the applicant meets the criteria to be accepted onto the programme, is to consider how learning can be supported for the trainee with identified special needs.

Information is given to enable an informed decision on the part of applicant, as to best programme to meet their future occupation requirements, and what support GTI can provide to accommodate their specific learning needs. A list of types of differentiated instruction and other strategies to accommodate commonly identified special needs requirements are listed in section 6 of this policy. There is also provision for modification of assessment conditions, within certain parameters of fairness as well as inclusivity.

Where an applicant  is unable to obtain documentation from a qualified professional, GTI  will form an ad hoc committee to determine the details of the special needs accommodation based on the evidence provided during the TNA in induction. GTI reserves the right to refer the case to qualified professionals outside of the institute in order to seek advice, and cooperation of the trainee is expected.

  • Trainees Induction & TNA

Head of programme section and Course Coordinator

Because many applicants are shy to identify learning needs at the admission phase, at the start of any programme, GTI routinely provides trainees with a tailored induction that includes guidance on how trainees with special needs can make these known to get support and how they can lodge an appeal if they think that they have been disadvantaged as trainees.

  • Differentiates session plans and applies strategies seamlessly into each session where practicable.


Course Design, Approval and Revision Policy T/P/004 provides templates for modules and guidelines for programme/course planning. The needs of special needs trainees need to be added where these are identified.

  • Considerations for Special Needs during or after assessments

Farah Taheri Course Coordinator

While there is provision for modification of assessment conditions for trainees with special needs, if any trainee believes that they may have been disadvantaged during an assessment, they can make an application for special consideration. Special consideration should not give the trainee an unfair advantage. Where special considerations apply, GTI may approve arrangements such as extending the deadline for submission of an assignment or allowing a resit of an assessment beyond the normal permitted number of attempts.

GTI will consider requests from trainees who suffered temporary or permanent illness, injury, indisposition or other extenuating circumstances with respect to examination and assessments. Appeal provisions are available to ensure the integrity of this process (Academic Appeals            T/P/007)

  • All new staff will be notified of the requirements of this policy through staff inductions.
  • All prospective trainees will be informed of the requirements of this policy during marketing events and through print and social media outlets.

6. Differentiated instruction and other accommodation strategies

GTI managers will work to accommodate any identified special learning needs with differentiation of materials, activities, and assessments, such as assignments and examinations, using a range of assistive technologies which may differ per course and are decided by GTI management and trainers. Depending on the availability, these academic accommodations may include:

6.1 Visual impairment
6.1.2 Provide large print fonts for trainees with low vision.
6.1.3 Use speech to text applications for trainees with visual impairment and other learning disabilities such as dyslexia to convert the content of the learning materials, assignments, and course assessment materials from speech to text.

6.2 Hearing Impairment (partially deaf only)
6.2.1 Extra time of at least a half an hour for each hour.
6.2.2 Exemption from the listening exams.
6.2.3 Seating to be arranged at the front, near the invigilator.

6.3 Learning Difficulties (including Dyslexia)
6.3.1 Extra time of at least a half an hour for each hour.
6.3.2 A Reader or Writer if assessed to be necessary based on individual cases.

6.4 Visual Impairment or Low Vision
6.4.1 Extra time of at least a half an hour for each hour.
6.4.2 Text to Braille conversion of the examination paper for trainees who are medically blind, and large font print question paper for trainees with low vision.
6.4.3 A Reader or Writer where assessed to be appropriate based on individual cases.

6.5 Physical Impairment or mobility difficulties
6.5.1 Extra time of at least a half an hour for each hour.
6.5.2 A Reader or Writer, where assessed to be appropriate based on the specific individual case.

6.6 Speech Impairment or language difficulties
6.6.1 Extra time of at least a half an hour for each hour.
6.6.2 Exemption from exams that take place in front of other trainees in the class where appropriate based on assessment of the individual case. For example, arrangements for special examination venues for individual trainees with special needs. To avoid distracting others, the trainee with special needs may sit the examination in a separate room with support of a reader-writer.

7. Related Documents ((Rules, Guidelines, Flowcharts, Forms)

8. Key Dates

First Approved:                    2 September 2022

This Version Approved:       2 September 2022

Next Review Date:               28 August 2025 or earlier if any changes to legislation or the external environment require it.

Version Effective Date     Description of Changes    
01 28/08/2022  First approval of the policy

Approved by the General Manager, effective immediately:

Signed by General Manager: Abbas Ali Date: 28/08/2022

 GTI’s current policies are available on the website. If you are using a hard copy of this policy, please check that it is the current version before proceeding.